Crooked teeth can really knock your confidence whether you’re a teen or an adult and it can prevent you from doing the simplest and most natural of things such as smiling at another person. Aesthetics aside, having crooked teeth can also result in gaps forming between your teeth, particularly as you get older and your teeth start to shift position. This in turn means that particles of food can get trapped in the gaps which may cause tooth decay and other dental problems. As a cosmetic dentist in Southampton with an experienced orthodontic team, we’re able to offer a variety of orthodontic treatments to straighten teeth, with one very popular technique being the Inman Aligner.
What are Inman Aligners?
Inman aligners are removable braces which are fitted to the front of the teeth to straighten them. They’ve grown in popularity in recent years because they can straighten teeth in a very short time when compared to other types of orthodontic treatments.
How they work
The braces work to move misaligned teeth using a coiled titanium spring which is attached to the back of the teeth. This connects with a bar that sits over the front of the teeth and together they push and pull the teeth, straightening and moving them to to their correct position. They’re not as discreet as some other types of braces but this is counteracted by the fact that the process can be very quick from start to finish.
Benefits of Inman Aligners
- Speed – The greatest benefit of choosing Inman aligners for your orthodontic treatment is the speediness with which your treatment can be completed. Treatment can sometimes be completed in as little as 6 weeks and usually takes no longer than 6 months, which is far shorter than with traditional ceramic or metal braces.
- Less pain – Braces can be painful and time consuming with frequent visits to your Southampton dentist to get them tightened. Inman aligners are relatively pain-free and comfortable once you get used to them and need fewer visits to the dentist., making for a
straightforward approach to teeth straightening.
- Maintenance
– One of the main challenges with braces is maintaining oral health. When cleaning your teeth twice a day often the position of the braces can make it difficult to reach certain parts of your teeth in order to clean them effectively. This becomes less of an issue with Inman aligners since they can be removed allowing you to brush and floss your teeth with ease. This is crucial to ensuring that your dental health continues to improve once your orthodontic treatment has been completed.
If you’d like to learn more about Inman Aligners and whether they are a solution for your dental needs then why not book a consultation with Dr. Thomas Darling at Smilemakers. Remember you’re never too old to have your teeth straightened and with so many options there’s sure to be one that fits your lifestyle and dental needs. Contact us today on 02380 442626 or book online at We look forward to meeting you.